Monday, August 13, 2007

GKYB 2007 in Video : Episode 1 : Back in Manila

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We left more than a month ago. The date was July - Friday the 13th. (You know what they say about Friday the 13th.) Nonetheless, we were blessed that not a single misadventure happened. If a 3-hour delay isn't considered unlucky...or sitting beside a snoring Junnie for close to 12 hours isn't torture as well (you can ask Christine)- then it was indeed a Beautiful Day!

Whatever it was, the 16-hours on air, including waiting time, was well worth it. Enjoy!

Music: Beautiful Day (U2), Leaving on a Jet Plane, Manila (Amber)


therese said...

oh man! those were the days...

i miss it so much! :(

GK Youth Build (GKYB) said...

when you come to think of it, it's been more than a month, but it seems like it was yesterday...

see you during the GKYB 2007 reunion!