Monday, July 16, 2007

Can We Offer Pictures For Now?

Our First 48 Hours


Michele said...

Hi GKYBers!!! Love this blog... it's like we are part of your journey every step of the way. Looks like you've been to many places already - and it's only been 48 hrs! Keep up the updates.

To Don, Laksmi & GK Mabuhay Team, thanks for looking after the group. Hope they don't give you a hard time :-)

Take care. Our prayers are with you all.

GK Youth Build (GKYB) said...

Don mentioned that we probably just made a record of sorts of being able to visit the most number of villages in a short span of time. It was good to have a glimpse of different types of village development before we delve into longer term visits starting Thursday.

We are all pumped up!!! Thank you for the continuous prayers.